2014年4月21日 星期一

Many Moons

Book Title: Many Moons
Author:James Thurber

   The little princess was sick and the only way to get her better is send her the moon. The king found three wise men, the Lord High Chamberlain, the Royal Wizard, and the Royal Mathematician to solve the problem. However, they all complained what they did for the king and can't figure out the solution to get the moon. Finally, the Jester helped the king. He asked the princess how big the moon is and how far it is. Then, he had the Royal Goldsmith make a chain like moon and sent to the princess. But the king was worried about whether the princess would see the real moon shine in the sky at night. He found the three men again. They couldn't deal with it again because they couldn't hide the moon. The Court Jester came to the princess and asked her why the moon can be shinning in the sky when it is hanging on a golden chain around her neck. The princess was smart and she gave the answer. The king didn't worry the problem anymore.

   main character: The king, the princess, the Court Jester
   foil character: the Lord High Chamberlain, the Royal Wizard, the Royal Mathematician
   Backdrop setting
3.Narrative Point of View
   First-person narrator 
   Episodic Plot
   (The first climax is that the Jester got a chain like the moon for the princess while others couldn't get the moon.)
   (The second climax is that the king was worried whether the princess would see the moon shinning in the sky and the Jester solved this problem.)
   Everyone thought the moon the princess wanted was the real moon and they were afraid that she saw the real moon in the sky when she got the chain. However, the moon was one kind of the princess' imagination.
   Imagination is more important than other things.

   I think this story is very interesting. I thought the princess wanted the real moon at first, but I was wrong. We usually see what we think it is and we don't consider another possibility. We should try to look at the other side of one thing to find another perspective.  The Court Jester was very smart because he figured out another way to give the princess what she wanted. He didn't get the real moon, but he gave the princess the moon she really needed. This story taught me a good lesson.

